Hahnemann Institute Sydney

About Us
Hahnemann Institute Sydney was founded by George Dimitriadis in 1983 as the New South Wales College of Classical Homœopathy. It became the Hahnemann Institute of Homœopathy Sydney in 1990, and finally in 1994, Hahnemann Institute Sydney (HIS, 1994). Our aim is to promote, research, further develop, and teach all matters pertaining to orthodox (Gr. ορθÏŒδοξος [orthodoxos] = upright, correct, proper) Homœopathy - simple aims which nonetheless demand a great degree of continued and especial focus on our literary heritage, especially during the early formative years (pre 1880).
Of utmost importance to our group is the methodical application of omoion (similars) within the clinical situation. Our team comprises practitioners who prescribe solely on the basis of similars and who now use The Bönninghausen Repertory (TBR2) as their primary repertorial source as a means for testing the ideas and insights uncovered during such literature research.
History of HISydney Research
Our serious research activities were necessitated from a growing dissatisfaction with the evident errors and inconsistencies of our tools, particularly at that time with the then available repertoria. Our research path was set in 1995, after having heard of the accuracy of Bönninghausen’s Therapeutisches Taschenbuch (TT) – a work all but forgotten on our bookshelf. The only available copy at the time was an Indian reprint of the ‘New American Edition’ of T.F.Allen (edited by H.A.Roberts, 1935). We soon realised that this edition was very different from the original intention of Bönninghausen, his own work having been diluted and further spoiled by alterations and inaccurate additions. The decision was made (Sydney June 1995) to commence afresh a complete modern retranslation and republication of the original German TT.
The TT English Language Republication Project took five years to complete and resulted, in the publication (2000) of the 1st edition of THE BÖNNINGHAUSEN REPERTORY–Therapeutic Pocketbook Method (TBR), an accurate re-translation and rendering of all rubrics from the original German, each referenced to its original German TT counterpart, with a section of explanatory endnotes to the rubrics. A decade later in 2010, due to a growing demand, the 2nd edition was published after a complete
re-checking and correction against the newly accessed original TT manuscript, adding many more explanatory endnotes and references to materia medica original sources. We are finally satisfied that TBR2 is by far the most reliable and accurate repertory available.
Currently, our ongoing research work involves carefully examining primary source pharmacographies (materia medicæ). Their systematised study has served both to clarify meaning, as well to uncover the many errors of translation, omission, typography, interpretation, etc., which have too often crept in and confused the original observations. This work is both fundamental and critical to the need for proper professional development.
HIS Teaching and Seminars
The Homœopathic Diagnosis - Hahnemann through Bönninghausen approach is a highly recommended introduction to the art of repertorisation. We have found that after studying this course students and clinicians alike express a newfound confidence and deeper understanding of homoeopathic prescribing.
George has given seminars both in Australia and internationally, sharing with others his understanding of Homœopathy, gleaned from close to forty years of in-depth study of the teachings and works of Hahnemann and Bönninghausen, as well as many of their contemporaries. He has taught his clear and simple approach to Homœopathic Diagnosis in Australia, New Zealand, U.S., Canada, Japan, U.K., and Europe.
Recordings of an online lecture series on Homœopathic Diagnosis are also available from this site.
All of us here at HISydney are passionate about sharing this knowledge with the homœopathic profession. Please get intouch if your college or institution are interested in arranging an online or in person sminar or lecture series.
George Dimitriadis
BSc, DHom, DHomMCCH(Eng), FHom(UK), FJPHMA (Jpn), FHISyd

Founder, Hahnemann Institute Sydney, George has been teaching and practising Homœopathy since 1985. As a practitioner he is much in demand with patients consulting him from around the globe, as well as in person at Hahnemann Homoeopathic Medicine Centre in Sydney, Australia.
He has given seminars at home in Australia as well as in New Zealand, India, Japan, USA, Canada, and Europe and has written numerous professional articles for various journals, including the Australian Journal of Homœopathic Medicine, The American Homeopath, American Journal of Homœopathic Medicine and its predecessor, Simillimum, Similima, The Homœopath, Zeitschrift für Klassische Homöopathie (ZKH, Germany), etc.
Publications authored by George include most notably the English language republication of Bönninghausen’s Therapeutisches Taschenbuch (TT) - The Bönninghausen Repertory (TBR) now in its 2nd edition, Homœopathic Diagnosis (DHD), and The Theory of Chronic Disease according to Hahnemann (DCD)
Being driven by his passion for accuracy in research, George is well known for his detailed citations to primary source literature. He spearheads the ongoing work involving the examination of our original MM sources and the correction of the many errors evident in our standard works. The goal of this longterm project is the republication of Hahnemann’s pharmacographies, promising an exciting new standard of accuracy in our materia medica.

Jacqualine Dimitriadis
DNutr (NSW), GrDHom(Syd,
Jacqualine completed the Graduate Diploma programme with the Hahnemann Institute in 1990, and since that time has gained valuable experience in her homœopathic practice in Sydney.
Her contributions to the profession include articles published in various journals including American Homeopath, JARH, AJHM. From 1992-1995 she served as Editor, Australian Journal of Homœopathic Medicine.
Having played a significant role in the restructuring and publication of TBR, Jacqualine has a strong familiarity with this repertory and can personally vouch for the great benefits its application in clinic affords. When not busy with her patients at Hahnemann Homoeopathic Medicine Centre, Jacqui assists with HIS administration and the ongoing pharmacographic research project.

Bernhard Deutinger
DHom (ChC), MLiRG (HISyd)
After completing his homœopathic undergraduate studies in Christchurch, New Zealand, Bernhard turned his attention to further research, and since 1998, has been an integral part of our research team. As a German native speaker, his excellent command of the German coupled with a thorough knowledge of the English languages, together with his conscientious attention to detail provide a most valuable contribution to our work. Thanks to the co-operation and support of various institutions and libraries, Bernhard has secured photocopies of numerous original manuscripts/texts during his not infrequent trips abroad, which works provide a basis for our continuing research and publication efforts. The unsurpassed accuracy of our (old) German to (modern) English translations, as evident in TBR, reflect in large measure Bernhard’s dedication and commitment to quality.

Philip Johnstone
BA(Wits, ND(Syd), GrDHom(Syd),
Following his homœopathic undergraduate studies in Sydney (1989), Philip went on to complete the Graduate Diploma programme with our Hahnemann Institute (1994). Since that time, he has been involved in many of our major projects, including assistance in editing TBR, DHD and more recently in the indexation and cross referencing of symptoms for the 2nd edition of the TBR. Philip has been practicing homoeopathy since 1993 using the TBR almost exclusively over the last decade, finding its application in practise to be both accurate and a reliable reference tool for homoeopathic diagnosis. Originally from South Africa, Philip is charged with the task of collecting data on that country’s historical homœopathic progression.

Greg Wellington
DHom (Syd), MLiRG (HISyd)
After completing his formal education in Homœopathy and attaining his Graduate Diploma from HISydney in April 2003, Greg has been practicing Homœopathy on a part-time basis, yet recording impressive results using TBR almost exclusively. Greg greatly assisted in the restructure and proofing of TBR 2nd edition, and remains a valuable member of our primary literature research group at HISydney.