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Hahnemann Institute Sydney

TBR2.1 Computer Repertory
The Bönninghausen Repertory - therapeutic pocketbook method (TBR 2.1) now available as cloud based subscription service.

Runs on Windows, Mac or Linux
Intuitive, Fast and Efficient
Comparitive Rubrica Medica
Explanatory rubric endnotes
Easy search function
Hahnemann’s Materia Medica
Patient record database

Oskin - TBR2.1 Software Tutorial
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Dr Jamie Oskin's gives a short talk on features of TBR2 program.

TBR2.1 welcome-introduction - 31 July 2019
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George Dimitriadis demonstrates TBR2 program features.
Email us for free one month trial :
program designed and engineered by Riccardo Perin - Kosmos Technologies di Perin R. & C. s.n.c.
A few words from some satisfied TBR2 program users:
The new TBR2 software is sleek and efficient. It’s layout is easy to read and the searchability of the repertory is straightforward. I love that the new software layout has the extensive endnotes easily in view so that I can continually read them to make sure I’m thinking critically to use the most appropriate rubric possible. I’ve now been using TBR2 almost exclusively for 7 years and I cannot imagine going back. It is the most accurate and reliable repertory available and the more experienced I become using it, the more my patients benefit with remarkable results to heal and recover from acute and chronic illnesses. Your mastery of this repertory and software will allow you to transform your homœopathic practice and your patient’s lives".
- Dr Jamie Oskin, ND, DHANP
I have been using the TBR2 computer software for several months now and am very pleased with it. I first began using The Bönninghausen Repertory (TBR2) in 2013 and it has been a game-changer. The simplicity of this repertorial method and the way it has forced me to delve ever more deeply into how Hahnemann constructed his materia medica, has improved the accuracy of my prescribing and improved the outcomes achieved with my patients. The simplicity of this repertory is matched by the simplicity of the software. It took me very little time to learn to use it and I find it very quick and easy in practice. I recommend that all practicing homeopaths learn this method as it will change the way you view your craft and, if you decided to do so and find it fruitful, this is the only TBR2 software you need to consider.
- Dr Eric Udell, N.D., M.Ed.
I do not use the word “rely” lightly. George has spent years carefully evaluating every entry so that we Homœopaths can now use this tool with total confidence in its accurate guidance. Thank you George!
- Dr Joseph Kellerstein
"As an ex-programmer/analyst I do appreciate the program and the effort that went into it. It's simple, intuitive and allows for easy discovery. I'm glad to have it. I suspect that while meeting the needs of veteran homeopaths it will also allow beginners easier access to the homeopathic knowledge base. The learning curve for TBR2 is much more reasonable than that for Radar or Macrep. Thanks for your effort in producing these great tools."
- Dave
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